What is Gig Money?

Gig money is what you earn as a gig worker from the gig economy in exchange of rendering your skills or talents to others or being a part of the platforms that rewards you in the form of cashbacks, reward coins or points etc., in return for using their service or promoting them.

Tue Nov 17, 2020

The future belongs to Gig Workers.

"The money one earns engaging in gigs can be termed as gig money."

Gig economy increases the flexibility and autonomy in the job marketplace unlike the subservient traditional working environment. In recent years there is a sudden rise in the number of gig workers and it is also reflecting in the huge flow of gig money that contributes to the overall economy of the various countries like India, UK, Australia and the USA.

Daily Skills gives you an opportunity to make Gig Money, for that, all you have to do is be a part of our platform. From here you can earn Gig Money in the form of cashbacks and reward coins. Daily Skills provides you three ways to make Gig Money . So this is how it works, the first method is just go to the Daily Skills website and sign up using your name, mail id and password, and you are all eligible to receive a reward credit.

Do you have a skill and think it is worth sharing in return of money? 

We have room for that too and this is all you need to make money using the second method. By using your skill you can create a course video and upload it in Daily Skills, when our students find it valuable and buy the course you will get the money from us.

Third method of earning money from Daily Skills is that you can suggest the courses to others, thereby giving them the opportunity to earn a new skill, for any new signups and purchases from them you will receive the Gig Money.

Is it too early to take the gig economy seriously or should it have taken already? 

Anyone who has earned Gig Money would know how easy and impressive it is especially in today's world. Anybody who has access to the internet and technology would have earned at least a small amount of Gig Money without them really knowing because the idea and term is modern and new. We all have received cashbacks, reward coins or credits from online platforms like payment apps, shopping apps as such, all of which are called Gig Money.

Hitha Karthikeyan
A freelance writer based in Kerala. Postgraduate in English Language and Literature.